Friday, November 7, 2014

Existential Ennui & Buddhist Meditation

I am hitting round 2 of existential ennui right now, and realized it is time I shared this gem of a video.

I will go now and duel this Inner Vortex Coil, stare it right it the storm of the eye.

Happy living, folks!



Saturday, May 17, 2014

[Book Review] What is Your What by Steve Olsher

I am reading this book right now.
I hope the book lives up to its title!

Life can be incredibly jam-packed with distractions.
Perhaps this book will help connect the dots,
condense and converge my efforts.

So far, the book introduced some basic ideas
about 4 stages of competencies.

And it gives your some follow up exercises to map
where you are currently.

I really liked the exercise about the 'disconnect' we have,
I guess it could be called self-sabotage, or our blind-spots...

The author states that we all have some sort of disconnect(s)
between what we think others think of us, and how we actually are.

The bigger the gap, the more deluded and ineffective we will be.

I will do a follow up post, when I finish getting through the book's exercises!