Thursday, October 27, 2011

9 items on my New Bucket List

#1. I'd like to see the AURORA BOREALIS
I saw a picture of it somewhere and it looked ...

#2. Swim with sharks and dolphins
I heard my friend who said she swam with dolphins, ...

#3. Design my own clothes
I've always wanted to design my own clothes! Won't be ...

#4. Write a novel/short story/article and have it published
I've always wanted to be an author!

#5. Live in a brickhouse with a fireplace and garden
I've always had a thing for brickhouses; my uncle lives ...

#6. Support the livelihood of Love Birds
I had a really cute lovebird once. I accidentally killed ...

#7. Share my art work and use profits to help people who need Creativity and Inspiration in their lives.
Art works of so many kind have given me inspiration. ...

#8. Own a sports car
And enjoy the speed, the wind in my hair, and cool image!
#9. Choose one small activity that will thread my entire life
When I thought about my death, I really wished I ...

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